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BI the most underrated feature of LCC and hybrid Passenger Service Systems?

Online Travel Agents

Business Intelligence has been proven useful, with many returns over a wide range of industries to solve complex industry-specific problems that do not come with clear solutions. On the aspect of an airline, driving the staff and the resources to the maximum utilization while magnifying the revenue generated through sales is a daily challenge for every Airline company.

To address this, many large Aviation corporations have integrated different systems to track, record, and present the statistics of their revenue and utilization from various categories to get different insights into the decision making process. Unluckily most of the Low-Cost Carriers and Hybrid Carriers do not have the budget nor the resources to carry out these statistics unless provided by their Passenger Service System providers.

Therefore, when comparing to the Full-Service Carriers, the ability to obtain detailed statistics is limited through design or by the functionality of the Passenger Service System that they are using.

Hence choosing the correct PSS is a very challenging and meticulous process as it will determine the future of your strategic management, especially on decision making for future sustainability.

Popular BI structures used in Passenger Service Systems

Most of the current PSS providers catering to the LCC and Hybrid carriers have minimal BI solutions. It’s either a one embedded system with few KPIs for the higher management to monitor primary aircraft utilization and revenue generation or an all-in-one tabular report generation system that needs to queried manually.

Ideal BI System for LCC and Hybrid

The embedded KPI systems are only for the higher management and do not consist of any drill-down functionalities for the operational staff to make any decisions upon.

Hence, even if they do provide strategic level information about the company its hard to convert this into the operational level decisions as it lacks the implementation and the access for operational staff. A tabular report generation platform does not help in this scenario either. As it gives more tabular data structures and requires further manual analysis and visualizing to get meaningful information for decision making.

Therefore, the ideal BI solution for a PSS would be a multi-level implementation of a KPI based Dashboard which drills down towards operational aspects while focusing on the accessibility for the right level of information for the right user sector.

Ideally, directors and C-level staff should have access to an overall dashboard with high-level KPIs. This should also be able to drill down to the detailed level to make sense of the overall value generated.

Managers should have the level-2 information regarding the KPIs with the processes tallying directly under them. This will help then to Utilize the resources under them to make effective managerial decisions on the operation workflow.

The operational staff should be having a summarized daily or weekly statistics of their targets. This helps them to manage their operations effectively to reach these targets. Utilizing a gamification process with this information is also a very effective strategy for achieving operational goals, but Gamifying the Airline operations should be a separate discussion itself.

A glimpse on Avtra’s BI platform